

Saturday 19 April 2014

About that 'Onga cubes' television commercial.

We suddenly noticed #ONGA_IN_CUBE trending on twitter today (19th April 2014) and Nigeria Brand Police decided to investigate?

Eventually we discovered that Promasidor had formally launched the cube version of its highly popular Onga seasoning powder. The launch took place since March 2014, and Nigeria Brand Police had no idea? (Shame on us).  However, it seems the people at Promasidor have just officially commenced an aggressive Ad campaign to push Onga cubes well into the Nigerian market. Does that explain why 'Onga-in cube' is suddenly trending on Twitter? Oh no,there’s more...

Ladies and gentlemen, the Onga cube TV commercial is out, and it boasts of excellent production quality, lovely sound track and a rich main cast (Kate Henshaw and Flavour N'abania).



On the flip side one would have thought that by now Nigerian consumers should be tired of watching TV commercials of food or seasoning products with scenes where entire family members gather and loiter around the dining set and kitchen, acting like clowns.

There’s got to be something more creative out there, this is 2014 for crying out loud. 

How about a TVC where an estranged couple rekindle their love over a delicious meal prepared with one of those seasoning cubes? We don't think APCON or NBC will frown at 'creatively' using certain social/life issues to sell brands.

In any case, well done to Promasidor and good luck to Onga cubes.

-Nigeria Brand Police

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